Meeting Planner Checklist

Cordova Center Meeting Planner Checklist
Cordova Chamber of Commerce Member Services
Cordova offers a complete array of facilities and accommodations to meet your needs including a contemporary style 43 room hotel with a restaurant and bar overlooking the harbor and an historic 40 room lodge with a full service dining room and conference facilities for up to 60 people.
For those attendees who prefer to get away from it or may be seeking options to extend their trip, Cordova offers numerous alternatives such as B&B’s and cabins overlooking streams, sloughs and lakes. An array of area tour guides, sport guides and outfitters provide both in and out-of-town adventure.
Planning Timeline
This timeline provides a checklist for your program. Adapt it to your own particular needs — establish your own “ideal” and “can’t-miss” due dates.
Determine the objective of the meeting and develop the program and budget.
Book meeting site and support services. (Check calendar of local events to avoid conflicting or inappropriate dates.)
Send letters of agreement to hotel and suppliers.
Set up master account for your meeting charges with the hotel (authorize who can sign charges).
Invite speakers and inform them about your attendees and the facilities of the hotel, including audiovisual capabilities.
Notify attendees. Make travel arrangements.
Confirm menus, room setups and supplies in writing with your event manager.
Monitor speakers’ presentation development and offer assistance in reproducing any handouts.
Order signs and printed materials.
Order gifts and amenities. Arrange deliveries of gifts (and meeting registration materials) with your hotel contact.
Mail attendees the agendas, suggested dress and other instructions.
Check with your speakers regarding the progress of their presentations, audiovisual and logistical arrangements.
Submit rooming list to hotel and confirm arrangements for amenities.
Confirm your meal and beverage counts for the first day food functions.
Ship materials to arrive 24 hours before your arrival, and confirm arrival before leaving your office. Recommended shipping for Cordova is USPS Priority and/or Flat Rate. We do not recommend Fed-X to our location.
Confirm all audiovisual requirements and produce slides.
Make arrangements for shipping materials back to your office after the meeting.
Take a complete master set of all handouts with you. (If your shipment of materials is lost or delayed, you can arrange to have your master set photocopied.)
Review details and walk through your meeting space with your property event manager.
Personally inspect shipped materials to be sure that all of your items have arrived and that they are in good condition.
Check the hotel function board and front desk for posted times and locations of your functions.
Check function space one hour in advance.
Notify your event manager immediately of any changes in your plans or requirements.
Sign banquet checks each day and keep an ongoing record of your on-site expenses.
Meet with your event manager to review your sessions, charges and receipts.
Share with your event manager the names of personnel who have provided
Festivals and Events
Cordovans love any excuse for a party! Over the years the community has created a family oriented, fun filled calendar of festivals and events that highlight the town’s character from fishing to forests.
- Ice Worm Festival – Cordovans love to blast away the winter flurries with a week of activities and celebrations. Fireworks, a Variety Show, survival suit races in the harbor, and a great parade are just some of the many activities.
- Copper River Delta Shorebird Festival– Up to five million shorebirds stop on the Copper River Delta to rest and feed during their annual spring migrations. Cordovans celebrate with viewing tours a bird count and plenty of workshops and community events.
- First Copper River Salmon Harvest – Witness the bustling activity of a working fishing town as our fleet gears up for the opening of the commercial fishing season. Join the town on the docks to welcome the fleet in and celebrate the return of those prized wild Copper River king and red salmon. Meet the fishermen on the docks and head over to a local restaurant for some fresh salmon.
- Copper River Nouveau – Prince William Sound Science Center’s annual gala fundraising event featuring a fabulous guest chef, live auction and games.
- Old Time Downtown 4th of July Celebration – This free-to-all festival is an old-fashioned community celebration. Kelp-box derby, kids games, square dancing, woodsman contest – and fresh grilled Copper River wild salmon barbecue, community potluck and homemade pie social. It’s free and open to the public.
- Cordova 4-H Music Camp –Bluegrass, Old Time, and Hawaiian music and culture for kids and adults in this amazing week-long camp.
- Copper River Salmon Jam – An amazing weekend festival featuring live music, delicious salmon, arts & crafts and a marathon and fun runs along the Copper River Highway.
- Cordova Fungus Festival – Mushroom experts, renowned chefs, artists and fungus enthusiasts gather for workshops, forays, and a gala gourmet dinner.
- Annual Native Village of Eyak Sobriety Celebration – This celebration of healthy living brings together Alaska Natives and guests from throughout the state for a weekend of Native dance performances, workshops, craft bazaar and a traditional potlatch.
- Annual Holiday Tree Lighting and Christmas Bazaar – Santa and the Cordova Volunteer Fire Department parade down First Street to kick-off the holiday season. Tree lighting and open house at The Cordova Chamber of Commerce, craft bazaar at Bidarki Center with locally made crafts, art and more.
Who to contact
To reserve your date at the Cordova Center, meeting facility call 907-424-6665 or visit The Cordova Center webpage.
To start planning your trip, call the Cordova Chamber of Commerce. We’ll help you get rolling with planning your site visit and getting connected with local vendors to supply all your meeting needs.
Cordova Chamber of Commerce
phone: 907-424-7260