On The Water
The mineral-rich waters of Prince William Sound are fed by a 1,000 year-long conveyor belt. This deep ocean mineral stream, the Copper River Delta, and the shores of Prince William Sound converge and give birth to a breathtaking wilderness filled with mountains, rainforests, glaciers, and the largest continuous wetland on the Pacific Coast. And in the front yard of that wilderness sits a spirited, authentic community of nature’s best stewards, artists, foragers, and fisherfolk just enjoying the view.
Paddling and Flightseeing
The world’s richest waters of Prince William Sound and the Copper River Delta offer wonderful opportunities for exploring. Whether you immerse yourself with an up-close experience while kayaking, canoeing, or packrafting or take in the entire vista from above and go flightseeing with experienced and knowledgable guides, there’s no better way to experience the abundance of the World’s Richest Waters.

Not all watery adventures demand boats or fishing gear. Sometimes all you need is a tide table and a good pair of boots. Tidepooling along the shorelines is one of the easiest ways to get a close look at the abundant life in Prince William Sound. You’ll find sea vegetables, sea stars, shellfish, salmon, and more. Often, the animals that consume them are nearby: eagles, sea otters, seals, bears, and other wildlife. Hartney Bay is a great place to tidepool at low tide. Orca Adventure Lodge also offers its shoreline for hotel guests and locals to enjoy on their own.
Wildlife Photography
Cordova is the perfect place to view wildlife up close, gain extraordinary opportunities to see local landmarks, and practice your photography skills. The scenery is so spectacular that even the simplest point-and-shoot photographer will come home with photos of a lifetime.

Sport Fishing
From those quiet secluded streams to deep sea action, there’s enough to tempt every kind of angler in Prince William Sound. When planning a fishing trip, make your first stop the website for Alaska Department of Fish and Game. You’ll find helpful seasonal information and up-to-date reports on what’s running where, as well as the basics on licensing and regulations including details on daily limits. It is integral to ecological and fishery health that daily limits are followed. Licenses can easily be purchased at local stores. You can also buy and print licenses online. Eyak River has a special fly-fishing area above the bridge at the outlet of Eyak Lake, which runs from 200 yards below the weir. This sanctuary area for returning salmon is open to fishing with an artificial single-hook fly, with a gap between the point and shank of 3/8 inches or less. No additional weight may be attached to the line. Make sure you consult the current regulation book for waters you intend to fish, as the regulations will contain up-to-date sport fishing laws and legal limits; and be sure to purchase you resident or non-resident fishing license. Regulation books and licenses are available at most Cordova sporting shops, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game office and at local grocery stores. And – don’t forget the bug and bear spray. Sport fishing season in Cordova tends to fill up lodgings very quickly, so make sure to plan your trip well in advance. Visit our LODGING page to start checking availability now. Bathrooms, fish cleaning stations and trash cans are available – please help to keep these wild places safe and clean by using the designated facilities. More info on how to be a safe, legal and ethical angler, download our infographic.